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Get to Know Us

SRT Theatre was founded in 2023 by two young international actors

Salomé Topuria


Rhys Williams

Water Ripple

Meet the actors

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Rhys Williams is a 20 year old
British Actor, based in Berlin and the UK.

Rhys performed in theatre

productions as a child and went on to
train at the national youth theatre
in London, is a graduate with an
extended diploma in acting and
production from Liverpool Institute
for Performing Arts (LIPA), and

soon to be a BA screen acting graduate 

from catalyst institute for creative arts and 

technology.  Rhys came to Berlin to pursue screen
acting and learn about film. also to indulge in the transgender and queer arts scenes that thrive in Berlin. 

Rhys aims to tell stories from new perspectives using
her skills of dance, Singing,
directing, writing and acting. striving to tell stories of transgender and Queer perspectives always. 


Salomé Topuria is a twenty one years old actress from Georgia based in Berlin.

Having done multiple years of theater training during her childhood at the Atoneli Theatre Ensemble, Salome recently graduated from Catalyst University in Berlin - with a bachelor in Screen acting.

Salome has appeared in a Georgian Television Series called “In Therapy” as the leading character, as well as many indie short films in Berlin and Paris.

Salome works internationally and is constantly looking for different mediums within her craft to express her artistic self to the fullest.

She also aims to tell authentic stories through her skills of writing that are relevant to her and today's world.


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Rhys and Salome will be performing their solo theater pieces at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this summer from the 31st of July to the 25th of August.




THE QUEEN'S HEAD                                                             VERA'S TRUTH

written and performed by Rhys Williams                                                             written and performed by Salome Topuria







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